martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

Projects with pics


Projects with pics

108 - Generate a sine wave about PIC 12F675
Based on PIC 12F675 which generates a sine wave of 14 KHz sample design. You can download a DOC , the explanatory document, photo and diagram. Also can download a ZIP  with source, and DOC. Revision 28 / May / 2012 files.
107 - Infrared barrier for Sliding door or other use
Based on two IC 555 generating 36 KHz pulse and the receiver with one of the design used in TV displays. It was designed and is in use in a sliding gate with remote control. You can download a DOC , the explanatory document and schema. Review 19 / May / 2012.
106 - DVD Remote Control Codes RF (Radio Frequency)
With this scheme, and using an oscilloscope or Sound Card for PC, you can view the codes emitted Remotes, and then to develop a receiver these codes to implement them. You can download a DOC , with document and explanatory framework. Review 19 / May / 2012.
105 - Radio Frequency Remote Control with Receiver RWS-436-4 and Tws-BS3 Transmitter - Transmits a string of ASCII characters via RS232
This transmitter / receiver sends experimental ASCII string for the RS232 serial output of the PIC, but can send and receive any string you want, the length you want. The receiver just turn on and off an LED, as a demonstration, but can run over 1000 jobs. Use PIC 12F675 in transmitter and receiver. It is compiled in CCS C. It can be used with or without antenna. You can download a DOC , with a description of the complete system, outline, photo. Also you can download a ZIP   with source, and DOC. Revision files 01 / Apr / 2012.
104 - Radio Frequency Remote Control with Receiver RWS-436-4 and Tws-BS3 Transmitter - Is Duplex type, ie transmit and receive.
This transmitter / receiver sends experimental one-way code and receive an answer, but can send and receive up to 255 different. It can be used as remote copy, continually changing their code. The receiver just turn on and off an LED, as a demonstration, but can run over 1000 jobs. Use PIC 12F675 in transmitter and receiver. It is compiled in CCS C. It can be used with or without antenna. You can download a DOC , with a description of the complete system, outline, photo. Also you can download a ZIP   with source, and DOC files. Revision 25 / Mar / 2012.
103 - Radio Frequency Remote Control with RWS-436-4 Receiver and Transmitter Tws-BS3
This experimental transmitter sends one code but can send up to 255 different. The receiver just turn on and off a light bulb of 60 Watts, but can run over 1000 jobs. Use PIC 12F675 and 16F88. It is compiled in CCS C. It can be used with or without antenna. You can download a DOC , with full description, diagrams, pictures system. Also you can download a ZIP with source, and DOC files. Review 17 / Mar / 2012.
102 - Timer tenths with PIC 18F2550
It is a timer to 59: 59.9 minutes with stretch out more. It's made ​​with 18F2550, but any other PIC. It is compiled in CCS C. You can download a DOC , describing Timer, Timer calculations, layout, photo. Also you can download a ZIP   with source, and DOC. Revision 10 / Mar / 2012 files.
101 - CCS C walkthrough for 16F84A LED turns off
It is made ​​step by step description for creating a program from scratch, for the PIC 16F84A, you should turn on and off an LED. 
It's made ​​for my friend Carlos, who MUST learn to create and record simple Firmware for the PIC 16F84A. 
You may download a DOC , with a description of the procedure, writing the program and schedule. Alsoneed to download a ZIP file with the source, a manual in Spanish CCS and Proteus simulation. Revision 25 / Feb / 2012.
100 - LED Display handled CD 4511
It is a training experience driving a 7-segment LED display. 
At work 40 - PIC 16F628A 4 Display LED and variable int, long, float, showed how to control LED display with a PIC. 7 outputs of the PIC are used there to control the 7 segment LED. With the CD4511, with 4 outputs can be controlled the same segments, with three outlets for other uses. You can download a DOC , with description, schematics and photo. Review 22 / Feb / 2012.
99 - Scheduler for irrigation system or 16F88 PIC 16F628A
In this project, fabricated a Sequential Scheduler for automatic irrigation, based on the PIC 16F628A or 16F88. 
It has 4 outputs, but can be expanded up to 10. You can include moisture sensor, rain and control the irrigation pump, tweaking the firmware. You can download a DOC , the explanatory document, outline, pictures, and explanations of the Firmware. Download a ZIP file with the document and the firmware in HEX and source files to modify. Review 09 / Jan / 2012.
98 - Check the PIC 12F675 or 12F629 Using an Infrared Remote Control
In this project, we made ​​one infrared remote control, we choose the code you want to send, and control on / off of an incandescent lamp or any device connected to the mains. 
It is a job for experts and developers. It is very convenient to see the work first 95 and 96 to enter, and to see explanations are not repeated in this. With very little work, they can apply the same firmware and schematics to any PIC. You can download a DOC , the explanatory document, outline, picture, and explanations of the Firmware. Download a ZIP file with the document and the firmware in HEX and source files to modify. Review 17 / Nov / 2011.
97 - Three examples of H Bridges commanded by PIC or Parallel Port
It is a job for experts and developers. Three designs Bridge H, to be led by different PICs or parallel port are presented. ALSO it would be by USB port using the USB-Parallel to this page converter. You can download a DOC , the explanatory document and schemas. Download a ZIP file with the document and a simple program in Visual Basic 6.0, to command it by Parallel Port. It is the source files to modify. Review 10 / Nov / 2011.
96 - Infrared Remote Control Receiver with PIC 12F675
With this PIC, the signals of a TV Remote Control Infrared received and transformed to the number of code being submitted. The decoding result is shown in HyperTerminal. 
It is a job for experts and developers. Firmware is didactic. In next work, using the same PIC external actions as commanding artifacts will be taken. You can download a DOC , the explanatory document, outline, picture, and explanations of the Firmware. Download a ZIP file with the document and the firmware in HEX and source files to modify. Review 08 / Nov / 2011.
95 - Reader IR Remote Control Codes
With this scheme, and using an oscilloscope or Sound Card for PC, you can view the codes emitted Remotes, and then to develop a receiver these codes to implement them. You can download a DOC , with document and explanatory framework. Review 08 / Nov / 2011.
94 - Pic 12F675 and 12F629 - Soft Usart with CCS C
Siiiiiiiiii! They connect to the PC even without USART, and this increases their usability and experimentation.You can connect with C programming Firmware CCS. You can download a ZIP , with explanatory document, outline, photo, HEX file, source files and simulation in Proteus. Review 27 / Oct / ​​2011.
93 - VB 6.0 Program used to PICs 12F629 and 12F675. Calculates and displays as dialing code
This program serves to mark the PIC, with white dots, code clock setting. Converts Hex code, supplied the PIC recorded in the marks to be put in the PIC, not to lose and lose the original accuracy of the internal clock.   Download ZIP with EXE, Resource and help. Review 19 / Oct / ​​2011
92 - Measuring Inductance and build a sinusoidal power source, from 1000 to 20000 Hz (With TDA2250) to do
This work brings together the numbers 86, 74 and 44 into one. It is based on a waveform generator Vienna bridge, adjustable frequency and amplification TDA2250 30 Watt. You can download a DOC outline, pictures and screen oscilloscope.   Download DOC to outline procedures and Review 16 / Oct / ​​2011
Commanding a step 91- Unipolar stepper motor - Steeper Motor - 555 - CD4017
Another 52 similar experience to work, but without using the PC or PICs with a Unipolar engine recovered from a printer. It uses a 555 and adder / divider CD4017. You can download a DOC scheme, pictures, explanations and further including a ZIP 2 items.
Commanding a step 90- Bipolar stepper motor - Steeper Engine - Visual Basic 6.0 - L293
Another similar experience to work 52, but with a bipolar motor. It was easier than I thought. The engine is a gift from a friend who repairs copiers. You can download a DOC scheme, pictures, explanations, and a ZIP file also includes Visual Basic source, driver files and articles.
89 - PIC 18F4550 used to write and read SD 2GB Kingston memory as a text file
It is a device using the 18F4550 ADC writes the values ​​read every second, in a text file on the SD memory card. Use the SPI serial communication protocol and libraries Suky for FAT memories. Then you can read, download and edit / delete on the PC. 
You can download a ZIP file with outline, photo, directions, firmware with source and HEX and back screen serial output files. 

88 - PIC 16F877 and 18F4550 used to write and read SD memory Kingston 2GB
It is a device that first job as simply writing a sector of memory, 512 bytes and then read it. Use the SPI serial communication protocol. 
Firmware here are three: one called simple for 16F877, which has no functions, only routines without return;other functions scheduled more efficiently and the third equal to 16F877 with functions but applied to the 18F4550. They all do the same. To learn, I think simple is better. 
You can download a ZIP file with diagrams, pictures, signs, three firmwares with source and HEX files and a copy of the oscilloscope screen view of the waves generated in the SPI communication. 

87 - Booster with PIC or DC to DC converter with PIC
It is a device that increases the voltage of 5 Volt source eg the PIC 70 Volt. It is to experience, finding uses. The current is low. You can download a DOC outline, photo, and notes, and 0.3 Mb ZIP with source and HEX firmware file and a simulation in Proteus. 

86 - Sine Power Source, 1000 to 20000 Hz (With TDA2250)
Downstairs, there is a method to measure inductance with a sinusoidal source of 50 Hz. This device is to use the same procedimento but a source more often for girls inductances. It is based on a waveform generator Vienna bridge, adjustable frequency and amplification TDA2250 30 Watt. You can download a DOC outline, pictures and screen oscilloscope.   Download DOC to outline procedures and Review 26 / Jun / 2011
85 - Zapper Dr. Clark
It is a device invented by Dr. Clark who says it kills bacteria, viruses, parasites, microbes device. It is solely for personal experimentation. Designed for savvy electronics and experimenters. You can download a DOC outline, pictures, display oscilloscope, and ZIP 0.4 Mb with information found on the Internet. 

84 - Preparation of Colloidal Silver. Automatic procedure based on PIC 16F88
It is a device for making colloidal silver, intended for connoisseurs of electronics and experimenters. It is based on a source with current limiting using LM317, PPM meter built into the process and a PIC 16F88, which monitors and indicates the end came to an end and to. 
You can download a DOC scheme, photos, manufacturing process data, the experiences, and ZIP 1.5 Mb with information found on the Internet. HEX and Firmware source and all files. 

83 - Record or Burn PIC 18F4550 or other use Vpp 13 Volt, Serial 
E s very easy to record PICs knowing the basics. Here is a circuit that gives me very good results and is easy to use, with the necessary explanations. It's like working 7 below, but works with external power supply Serial Port. Ideal for new PCs without parallel port. Then there is the installer WinPic in Spanish, along with the necessary files (there are two) to record the 18F4550.
82 - 0-20-50-100 Volt DC Voltmeter with PIC 16F88 and 4 display 7-segment LED 
This project is an extension of previous handlers Display 4 LEDs. Tinene three scales of 0-20; 20 to 50 and 50 to 100, in direct current. Easily scales are varied by changing the input bridge. Displays the voltage in 4 decimal digits. Download the ZIP Revision 28 / Feb / 2011
81 - Report on advanced topics USB and serial communication 
This DOC has 14 articles written by Benjamin Monterde Diego Resendiz applicable to PIC 18F4550 USB connections and USB-6008 DAQ card and LABVIEW using mikroC. 
Diego is from Puebla, Mexico and consultation, connect directly with him to E-Mail Diego .  
80 - Method for making our cabinets and heating device 
This DOC I show how design and fabricate my cabinets, High impact plastic 2mm thick. To this plastic heater is required to be folded. Here are the details for their construction and use. You can download the DOC with everything needed to make the heater, the manufacturing process, the schema of a cabinet, and photos with all the details. Review 20 / Oct / ​​2010.
79 - Making Capacitive Button and handle it with PIC 16F628A 
As are catching capacitive keyboards, here is an experience with a capacitive button. It has no mechanical parts to break, and is well integrated into the cabinet. It is also waterproof. Here is a basic project building and using a button. It is commanded by PIC 16F628A, but can be any other. S and you can download a DOC with instructions, diagrams, photos, and Commerce and ZIP with source files Firmware. Review 19 / Oct / ​​2010
78 - PIC 18F4550 - Experiencing problems with record 
When I wanted to record this PIC, I could not do. Many times he had done before without problems. I tried and tried many times ... and finally by chance I could solve with a 15pF capacitor. In this DOC with picturesand drawings explain what I experienced ... and ask for help from someone explain to me what is occurs. I promise ... add explanations that are consistent. Review 05 / September / 2010.
77 - PIC 16F628A - Matrix Keyboard x 16 connecting to PC or PIC via RS232 (Serial) 
It is an experience that links this work with 66, recording the PIC with 7. In summary, tipean numbers on the keyboard and look at the PC, being able to tweak the firmware to add, enter codes, record variables in EEPROM, control processes or send passwords to be verified. You can download a ZIP file with outline, photo, instructions, firmware source and HEX in CCS C and Proteus simulation. Review 01 / September / 2010.
76 - PIC 16F88 - resistive keyboard x 16 shown in 4 digit LED display 
It is an experience that links the work 72 and 40, recording the PIC with 7. In summary, tipean numbers on the keyboard and look at the display, being able to tweak the firmware to add, enter codes, record variables in EEPROM or transmit them to a PC via serial port. You can download a ZIP file with diagrams, pictures, instructions, firmware source and HEX in CCS C and Proteus simulation. Review 30 / Aug / 2010.
75 - MUX - HEF4067 - CD4067 - Multiplexer - Experience of design and construction 
The CD 4067 is a well known Multiplexer and Demultiplexer 16 channels, very good to use with PIC or parallel port. This is my first experience with this type of integrated, here goes. You can download a DOC with outline, photo and explanation. Review 20 / Aug / 2010
74 - Bridge of Vienna - Wien Bridge - Experience of design and construction 
Because I could not find data on lamps or bulbs that are used in the Vienna bridge, I began to experiment with it, and here are the results. 
Bridge in Vienna is an oscillator that can generate a sine or square wave. If built the famous lamp, it is very stable. Here you can download a DOC with diagrams, pictures, screens Oscilloscopes, calculations, explanations and simulation in Proteus . Review 13 / Aug / 2010
73 - 3 Axis CNC for manufacturing printed circuit boards, wood carvings and other  
 This project was awarded tutorial week. 
It is a complete draft homemade CNC Axes X, Y and Z. The use is designed to manufacture printed circuit etching, but also makes paths in wood and other materials, in addition to plotting, all up to A4 size. This project delivered in a ZIP: DOC with details, explanations, design methods and carving, pictures, all source files and EXE, the necessary drivers, and very many manufacturing details. Use the PC parallel port, controlled by Visual Basic 6.0. ZIP Download 1.8 Mb Review 09 / Aug / 2011
72 - Dwarf PIC 12F675 -    16-key keyboard that sends data via Serial Port to PC  
Keyboard is a voltage divider (Resistive) of 16 keys, which is read by the PIC ADC. Use one PIN. For demonstration purposes, sends the read data according to the key pressed and a program in Visual Basic 6.0 interprets the value and converts it to ASCII character to display on screen. It is for experimenters.Download DOC with diagrams, photos and explanations. Download ZIP with DOC, Proteus simulation, PCB, EXE program and sources, and sources Firmware HEX ,. Review 28 / Jun / 2010.
71 - Visual Basic program that generates waves of any kind, exiting Parallel Port  
Generate any type of wave, leaving 10 Bit digitally by the PC parallel port. Previously, another program wave is created and values ​​are stored in a text file. Works in conjunction with the previous project, the No. 70, which converts the digital output to analog. Download ZIP file with both programs, fonts, EXE, and generated files with multiple curves, and DOC with pictures and explanations. Review 27 / Jun / 2010.
70 - Platelet Resistive Analog Digital Converter  
It's Digital Analog Converter 10 BITS, armed with resistors. You can download a DOC with outline, explanation, photo and graphic tests performed and one Excel spreadsheet . Review 27 / Jun / 2010.
69 - Hanger for IC test 555  
It is an Astable oscillator that beeps if the IC 555 working properly. Listening with speaker or earphone PC.Download DOC circuit . Review 26 / Jun / 2010.
68 - Dwarf PIC 12F675 - Voltmeter PC - Serial Port 
Firmware is done in PicBasic Pro and the program in Visual Basic 6.0. Shows on PC with a small screen measurement result. It connects to the PC via serial port COM1. It is intended for experimenters who use it as a starting point for other projects. It is also the Proteus simulation, showing the ADC values ​​of all variables. 300K Download ZIP file with source and EXE, firmware source and HEX, and Proteus simulation scheme DOC, photos, explanations program. Review 26 / Jun / 2010
67- PIC 12F675 and 12F629 dwarf - Connect it to the PC - Serial Port 
Siiiiiiiiii! They connect to the PC even without USART, and this increases their usability and experimentation.You can connect with PicBasicPro programming the firmware. You can download a ZIP , with explanatory document, outline, photo, HEX file, source files and simulation in Proteus. Review 25 / Jun / 2010.
66 - Platelet RS232 - Connect any PIC to PC - Serial Port 
It is a plaque with Max232, to connect any PIC USART whether or not, to the PC via a serial port. It is for experimenters only. If the PIC has Usart is programmed in C. If you have programmed with PicBasicPro.Download DOC file layout, photo and information . Review 25 / Jun / 2010.
65 - Dwarf PIC 12F629 - Frequency Generator - Clock - Clock, with external RC oscillator 
It is used by the external RC oscillator output PIC and ClockOut. Allows high frequency variation by means of a potentiometer. Download DOC scheme, photos, explanation . Download ZIP with DOC, HEX and fountains . Review 23 / ​​Jun / 2010.
64 - PIC 12F675 and 12F629 dwarf - Plaque to experiment with them easily 
It is an armed plate in a perforated printed 5 x 5 cm, which allows you to experiment with circuits made ​​PICs Dwarfs safer than the breadboard. Download Doc outline, photo and explanations . Review 23 / ​​Jun / 2010.
63- dwarf PIC 12F675 (with ADC) ADC, EEPROM
If we have problems with the ADC does not work, we can see the values ​​of variables by writing to the EEPROM, and then Proteus, read with the Watch Window. Download ZIP . Review 04 / Jun / 2010
62- dwarf PIC 12F675 (with ADC) ADC PWM controlled  
Here is the firmware in CCS C, fountains and executable simulation in Proteus. Download DOC Download full ZIP. Review 03 / Jun / 2010
61- dwarf PIC 12F629 (without ADC) Blink LED - Turns off LED
Here is the firmware in CCS C, fountains and executable simulation in Proteus. For explanation and diagram see Article 60. Download ZIP. Review 01 / Jun / 2010
60- dwarf PIC 12F629 (without ADC) Flip Flop
Here is the firmware in CCS C, fountains and enforceable, outline, explanations, a Flip Flop and Pines are remaining for other uses. There is a simulation in Proteus.
59- PIC 12F629 (not ADC) and 12F675 (with ADC)
A rarity for PIC 12F629 (without ADC) and 12F675 (with ADC) is shown. Luckily it seems that this is the only disadvantage they have, because it's amazing how many things you can do with these 8-legged dwarfs. 
These PICs come with an engraving factory value, which corresponds to the OSCAL variable (Calibration internal oscillator (clock). To keep the calibration, you should keep this value. This method is shown. Lower DOC. Revision 01 / Jun / 2010
58- Water Level Detector
There are here two circuits, one transistor and two. They are basically the same, but two, handles unlimited power. It is based on two stainless wire electrodes, which handle the current of the first transistor. 

57- to test circuit TRIAC
It is a simple circuit that allows us to test a TRIAC we have doubts about its operation. 
Only requires a 1K resistor and an incandescent lamp 45 or 60 Watt.
56- Alarm lights on the car to cut off contact
In Argentina, there is a law that requires us to drive with low beams on at any time of day. Typically, to get off the let on, draining the battery within hours. After the third low battery designed this circuit, which sounds a short contact when engine with the lights on alarm.
55- High Voltage Source - Ambient Air Ionizer - Ozone generator
It is a source constructed based on a flyback TV, which thankfully still get. I guess it reaches 15000 Volt.Has a fan and a grid of needles to ionize the ambient air.
54- LED Strobe handled by the PC Parallel Port - Visual Basic 6.0
It is an experience made ​​for use a transmitter receiver optical system, recovered from a Scanner. He could have fed directly from the stroboscope LED optical transistor, but I preferred to do it through PC parallel port, it allows future use as a means to synchronize some operation on engine rpm.
53- 4-digit display with a laser pointer and two stepper motors - steeper Engine - Visual Basic 6.0 - ULN2803AG
It is a failed experiment, because it is slow and flash the numbers, but I offer it because it is a wonderful experience for those who want to experiment with something like a CNC (From the point of view of the control program) 
It works with two stepper motors and a laser pointer. Its light incident on a mirror, with horizontal rotation axis, is reflected and is incident on another vertical axis mirror. The laser pointer is fixed. The display is projected onto a wall, and is available to many meters. Presents 4 digits. It is an extension of the project 53 below. You can say that works successfully with two-digit or three. You can download a DOC with diagrams, photographs, explanations, and a ZIP also includes Visual Basic source and driver files for XP. Download DOC Download ZIP with fountains, DOC, driver . Review 27 / May / 2010
Commanding a step 52- Unipolar stepper motor - Steeper Engine - Visual Basic 6.0 - ULN2803AG
An experience to move toward a CNC is commanding at least a stepper motor. It was easier than I thought.The engine I recovered a scanner out of use. You can download a DOC scheme, pictures, explanations, and a ZIP file also includes Visual Basic source, driver, articles, data sheets files.
Commanding 51- 16F628 or another, the Internet, from anywhere in the world
A beautiful experience is the ability to command a PIC via the Internet, and can do it from anywhere on the globe. We just need access TELNET, write there your commands and read the messages the PIC sends us. 
You can download a DOC outline, photo, explanations, management software, etc and a ZIP with the EXE, C source files in CCS Server, DOC and PROTEUS simulation program.
50- HyperTerminal - Windows XP - PICs and RS232 COM port - Seteos
I got tired of blaming the PIC firmware and that did not work, when the problem was always with All settings of Windows XP HyperTerminal. I made ​​this cheat sheet presented here, for those who had similar problems.It is a DOC with step by step explanations screens.
49- Ubuntu - Windows XP - Backup System - partimage - SystemRescueCd
This paper started when I lost my Windows XP, after maintaining for three years, backups when wanting to retrieve the NortonGhost could not. 
Partimage found on the Internet that is very reliable and runs on Linux. I applied in the version of Ubuntu that I have on my machine and it seems to work fine. For example simulates the recovery, and I think that is very important. You can download a Word document where I explain in detail the entire process to capture each of the screens that appear, in addition to the necessary web addresses.
48- inverter voltage with a Triac - Variable speed
This is a circuit for varying the voltage of 110 or 220 Vac. I used to vary the speed of a grinder. It can also be used to vary the intensity of a lamp. 
Two versions of the circuit. One only uses a capacitor, a potentiometer and Triac. 
You can download a DOC circuit diagram, assembly instructions and photos. I could not simulate in Proteus.
47- Fountain with a transistor to power 4 LED 3 Watt
It is a source with an NPN transistor TIP 41C. In this case it was used to feed 4 LED 3 Watt each, to illuminate the toilet in a bathroom, instead of using dichroic. Current is about 600 mA. It can be modified to power any circuit constant load that is resistive. 
You can download a DOC with scheme and explanations and simulation in Proteus.
46- Preparation of Colloidal Silver. Procedure for experimenters.
It is a device for making colloidal silver, intended for connoisseurs of electronics and experimenters. It is based on a source with current limiting using LM317 to minimize particle size Silver PPM meter as part of the process and an alarm based on a comparator 741 indicating that the process ended. 
You can download a DOC scheme, photos, manufacturing process data, the experiences, data form to record, process charts made, and ZIP 1.5 Mb with information found on the Internet. 

45- Preparation of Colloidal Silver. Procedure for non-electronic.
It is a device for manufacturing colloidal silver, which does not require knowledge of electronics. It is based on a tester or multimeter cheaper, a commercial source and 12 Volt bubbler tanks. You can download a DOC with the circuit, the method outline and photos.
44- Procedure for measuring inductances. Coils. Toroids. Solenoids.
It is a procedure to measure inductance using a series circuit of an inductance (coil, toroid, solenoid, transformer, motor) and a known resistance, fed by a sinusoidal AC source, which can also be a transformer or direct network connection. Only AC voltmeter is used. The measured data (voltage drop and resistance coil) are placed in a program made ​​in Visual Basic, which gives results in the inductance and verifies the possible error in the measurement. 
You can download a DOC with the procedure and schedule and ZIP, where the executable is, the source files can be modified, a simulation in Proteus to estimate voltage and resistance and an Excel file to calculate a series resistor circuit Inductor- .
DC-DC Converter 43-; Experimental converter from 1.5 Vdc, with a transistor
It is an experiment made ​​from a super simple circuit. It works with a 1.5 V AA battery type. 
In the first test gave 40 Vdc empty. I ask for help to calculate (I make a program in Visual Basic) and find useful applications. DOC can download a schematic, explanation and photo, and Proteus simulation file.Download DOC scheme Download Proteus simulation. Review 05 / Apr / 2010
DC-DC Converter 42- steep up; DC-DC converter based on 555
It is based on circuit 555 which theoretically doubles the input voltage. It is useful to increase the voltage from a source with batteries, when you do not want to increase their number, for reasons of cost or size of the circuit. With 9 Volt Input 15 Volt delivery. The current must be below that permitted by the 555 used.Not require the use of inductors or transformers.
41- PIC 16F628A EEPROM RAM pointers int long float calculations - CCS and Proteus
It is a simulation in Proteus and Firmware base with about 10 or 12 different programs to practice and learn about reading and writing EEPROM, RAM, using pointers. It is displayed in different calculations EEPRON variables int, long and float, display tables and chains, cargo and display RAM variables and strings through pointers. Compiled with CCS. 
It is simulated with 16F628A, but the method used for any PIC EEPROM memory have (if not all are). The method for Proteus reports are shown through many screens shown in JPG. Whenever you find a new use, I will upload a new version.
PIC 16F628A 40- 4 Display LED and variable int, long, float
There is a plaque to experiment with 4-digit LED display with dot. The firmware is made in CCS, presenting the HEX and the source files, commented on all lines. A paper outline, photo and explanation is provided. Int, long and float, converted to 4 digits, the three types of numeric variables are handled in the firmware. For float point is used. Proteus simulation is to read variables in EEPROM. Everything in a ZIP less than 300K.
39- Muscle stimulator - Tens - Electronic Analgesic PIC 16F628A - Single Version, no additional modules
 This project was presented at LADELEC page to friend Jorge Jimenez, where he was awarded by the site as the best tutorial of the week.
It's the same stimulator of the items listed below, but controlled by the PIC 16F628A (or any other similar benefits, at least) For simplicity you have eliminated all optional, but still will be added. Download ZIP with DOC, Fuentes, HEX, outline, pictures. Review 02 / Apr / 2010
38- Muscle stimulator - Tens - Electronic Analgesic - PIC 16F628A
It is a version of the Electro 26 or 24 (from below), in this case controlled by a PIC 16F628A. We present here only the modulus of the PIC, which replaces the parallel port or USB, to make it more portable.
The rest of the project should be lowered from Item 24, which is below.
In the ZIP is the outline, photo, document, firmware compiled CSS source, firmware and Proteus EXE file.

37- Parallel Data between two Ports in the same PC
It is an extremely simple little program that allows a data exchange between two parallel ports on a single PC, which are connected by a cable. The simplest experience can be made ​​for those who want to start experimenting with Parallel Port. It is made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0 and fall EXE and fountains. I use it between the original Port of the machine and a parallel port card that I added on the recommendation of the experts from the Internet (For experiences without damage the Mother Board). In enFuente executable or change the port number if necessary. Download EXE and ZIP Fuentes. Review 23 / ​​Jan / 2010
36- Generate frequencies 4093B
The built-4093B has 4 NAND with Schmitt Trieger. It costs only $ 0.3 and interesting use com frequency generator. An Excel spreadsheet 2003 Presented with platelet prototype scheme for experiences, photo, formulas for calculating frequencies, spreadsheet frequency explanation of the method of calculation and explanation of the use of the generator.
35 - Practical Set of Cables for very fast connections
Cables Download image with explanations. Version 13 / Jan / 2010
34 - PIC 16F88 and 120 KHz PWM
This firmware is made to experiment with PIC 16F88 (16F84A and 16F628A Similar to, but much more advanced) is made for PIC 16F88, but can be applied to any PIC. It is compiled and simulated CCs Proteus ISIS. Delivered in a ZIP file, DOC explanatory schema source files in CCS and Proteus simulation. This firmware will be applied in a system for X10 Home Automation. 
33 - Quartz Crystals tester based on transistor BC537 or the like
This simple tester quartz crystals, as used in PICs or other applications, is based on either an NPN transistor, low current and low frequency or high frequency BF199. Both economic super. There to download a Word document with details, photo and layout. Download DOC. Review 12 / Dec / 2009
32 - Tester Quartz Crystals inverter based 74SL04
This simple tester quartz crystals, as used in PICs or other applications, is based on an investor sextuple.There to download a Word document with details, photo and layout Download DOC. Review 12 / Dec / 2009
31 - 16F628A - 125000 Hz PWM
This program is made to experiment in creating a Proteus PWM. It is made for 16F628, but it can be applied to any PIC. It is compiled and simulated CCs Proteus ISIS. This firmware will be applied in a system for X10 Home Automation. Download ZIP with Fuentes, HEX, Proteus, DOC. Review 2 / Dec / 2009
30 - 16F628A - External Interrupt Detection for Zero
This program is made ​​to experiment in Proteus with an external interrupt (in RB0) which may be an external switch or a sinusoidal signal. The result is set to 1 the RB7 output, timed for 20 msec.
It is made ​​for 16F628, but can be applied to any PIC that supports external interrupt.
It is compiled and simulated CCs Proteus ISIS. This firmware will be applied in a system for X10 Home Automation. Download ZIP with Fuentes, HEX, Proteus, DOC. Review 2 / Dec / 2009
29 - Power to 220 Volt without a transformer
We present two designs, both very simple., To connect 220 Volt, 50 Hz. It serves also for 110 Volt, 60 Hz.
The first design is for 5 volt controlling voltage Zener diode.
The second Zener voltage controls and 7805 controller with triple filter for very sensitive riple PICs.
In both designs, the scheme is for 5 Vdc output, but can be increased to at least 24 volts, varying Zener and regulator. Fits for power LEDs and PICs and integrated circuits.

28 - Symmetric Source output voltages with 3, 12, 9 and 5 Volt
I present the design of a symmetric source, based on the data sheet deTensiĆ³n Regulator Integrated Circuit 78XX, 79XX and. Its exit 8 screw terminal blocks and connected to 220 Volts. You can download a document outline, two photos and description. Download DOC. Review 29 / Nov / 2009
27 - Two models Bits TTL logic (5 volts)
Two models of TTL logic points are presented: A digital gate 74LS04 based and the other based on a LM324N op amp. Both are simple and use the power from the source of the logic circuit. You can download a Word document with outline, photo and explanations of both circuits.
Download Word Document. Review 27 / Nov / 200 
26 - Muscle stimulator - Tens - Electronic Analgesic - USB
It is an almost miraculous electronic instrument that provides comfort to people, eliminating muscular and nervous eliminator contractures, pain and possibly anesthetic. In addition to athletes provides them similar to that obtained with hours of fitness training. There is plenty of information on the Internet that supports its use.
The electronic device is connected to a PC through the USB port using a program made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0, which controls all the variables so that everyone can experience.
You can download a document with diagrams and information and a ZIP file with downloaded articles 7 Mb Internet for a long time, which served for the design, layout, photos, driver and firmware ZIP file with MPLab Source IDE and C18, Source Program, Photos, Schemes.

25 - Procedure to convert from LPT to USB Visual Basic 6.0 
With this procedure, and the board is to be built, can be converted in principle any device that works with the Parallel Port, and Visual Basic 6.0, to one that works with the USB port. Do not modify the circuit. An electronic board that does the conversion, based on the PIC 18F4550 is added. No power required, since making the PC. You must modify the program in Visual Basic 6.0 and firmware design requires the PIC.Download the document muetra the procedure to refine the Visual Basic 6.0 and Firmware IDE and MPLAB C18. Download Document. Review 10 / Oct / ​​2009
24 - Muscle stimulator - Tens - Electronic Analgesic - Parallel Port
It is an almost miraculous electronic instrument that provides comfort to people, eliminating muscular and nervous eliminator contractures, pain and possibly anesthetic. In addition to athletes provides them similar to that obtained with hours of fitness training. There is plenty of information on the Internet that supports its use.
The electronic device is connected to a PC through the parallel port using a program made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0, which controls all the variables so that everyone can experience.
You can download a document with diagrams and information and a ZIP file with downloaded articles 7 Mb Internet for a long time, that were used to design and another zip with diagrams, photos, and source driver program.

23 - Acupuncture Point Detector
It can be used in conjunction with the stimulator. Use the property on which the acupuncture points are small areas with low electrical conductivity. Use an auditory method with an integrated speaker output 555.
22 - volt meter or VU meter with 10 LEDs and IC LM3914
It is a dc voltmeter to measure between 0 and 5 volts, through the LM3914 integrated circuit. You can change the range of the measurement. Displays a bar of LEDs that can be seen as a bar or as dots (a single LED on). It is very convenient and cheap, for measurements with a precision of about 0.5 Volt, 0-5 scale. Its use would be for cabinets and mount on the front.
21 - Record and Playback with the APR9600
General scheme allows experimenting with this exciting integrated replacement of known ISD1000 or ISD1400 (Series), which are obsolete and have been discontinued. Circuit
Like most have not found information on the Internet, I add my first approach, which will continue Specific applications as a simple telephone answering machine (voice only), applications and controlled toy applications PICs because this integrated permits. This installment is geared only to experimenters.

20 - Platelet Breadboard type ZIP x 40 to experiment with PICs
It is a utility that contains ZIP x 40 connector, screw terminal blocks, RJ11 connector for PICs recorder, LED indicator. Allows PICs experience and record, with firmly attached cables, without risk of short circuits.Fits any PIC. Lower photo document and schema. Review 19 / Dec 2009 //                           
19 - Program in Visual Basic 6.0 to control display with 2 x 16 FDCC1602G or other
It is a powerful program in Visual Basic 6.0 for those who want to experiment with this possibility. You can do almost all operations permitted for LCD display controller.
It works for Parallel Port. You can download data sheets and the disply driver IC SPLC780D.
There are pictures here, circuit diagrams, details to work with parallel port, program to convert hexadecimal to decimal and vice versa and of course the sources and the program EXE.

18 - Program to easily assemble the sitemaps.xml
It is a powerful program in Visual Basic 6.0 for those who built their own web page. The sitemap.xml requires Google to index the page and make it accessible to the seeker. I think they also use other search engines. It is very easy to use. They are the source files for those who want to modify them to your liking and for those who only wish sitemaps.exe use. A guide helps the user. It is accessible from the program and from the outside.
17 - Utility to experiment with Parallel Port
It is programmed in Visual Basic 6.0 to experiment with Tx / Rx data from the parallel port utility. It is very useful to develop new hardware before making the program.
Allow to read and receive data through Data, Status and Control. It also allows reading data sent by ADC: ADC for 0804, received Runnig Free mode (Continually read) and in normal mode, where every millisecond sends the order to convert, and warns when data is ready to read it; for ADC 0820, the order to turn every millisecond and automatically receives the data sent. They are all schemata.

Download Document Text                                  Download ZIP file. Review 23 / Jan / 2010
16 - general warning and MPLAB C18 compiler
To avoid wasting time and headaches when download files and fonts installed on your computer, read the following document.   Download Document. Review 30 / Jul / 2009
15 - Electrocardiograph, ECG or EKG for PC
Works with the PC parallel port. With some it can be easily connected via USB with a PIC 18F4550 instead of ADC 0804 with which it is built. The paper is all explained and with pictures.
It is written in Visual Basic 6.0. The hope is that who cares about this issue, take it as a basis to increase profits and improve. Download Document      Download ZIP file. Revision 1 / Aug / 2009
14 - Another Program To learn PIC 18F4550 and USB with Visual Basic 6.0
I believe that here everything you need for a utility that is used to control processes of any kind, connectable to a high speed USB port, and run Visual Basic. It ADC, Communication Series for Com1, USB communication, synchronous communication SPI, temperature measurement, management and OnComm OnEvents, PWM, frequency generation. You can download a .doc with description and instructions and a .zip file with bootloader in hex, Visual Basic 6.0 executable and source files MPLab Firmware IDE and C18, .hex files and source files, necessary driver . The utility for recording with Bootloader is lower, in the cell with similar title.
13 - Demo for use with USB Bootloader and Firmware without USB
In   TODOPIC   found the solution to this problem he could not solve. In the .zip is the firmware and also a bootloader, all with their source files so they can use and modify it. Below is the recording of PIC. I recommend reading the article, which has no waste. Lowering MicroChip files, I could not run the Bootloader propose there, but I put another MicroChip too.
12 - Family Protector Electrical PIC 16F628A or other
It has three functions: Cut the low voltage supply; short for high voltage (eg loss of neutral) and in the event of a main power network, reconnect timed so that the peaks do not affect reconnect appliances. There is loss, a .doc with explanations and a zip with the total content. Below is the recording of PIC. Download Document         Download ZIP file. Review 01 / Feb / 2010
11 - Simple comparison with PIC 16F628A or other
Has two comparators with a single reference voltage. It is a very simple example to pursue experience.There is loss, a .doc with explanations and a zip with the total content. Below is the recording of PICs.
Download Document                        Download ZIP file. Review 23 / Jul / 2009
10 - Single Frequency PC Serial Port PIC 16F628A or other
It connects to the PC via the serial port and measured frequency of a signal, displaying it on the screen. It is a very simple example to pursue experience. Here is everything you need to actually build it. There is loss, a .doc with explanations and a zip with the total content. Below is the recording of PIC and circuit 555 to generate a signal. Download Document      Download ZIP file. Review 19/07/2009
9 - Multimeter PC USB port with PIC 18F4550
It is the beginning of the title. It connects to the PC via USB and measures of stress in continuous 0-5 Volt, display it on screen. The idea is to make it a real multimeter with automatic scaling. Here's really all you need to experience. There to download, a .txt with explanations and a zip with the total content. 
Download Document                        Download ZIP file. Review 03 / Jul / 2009
8 - To learn USB PIC 18F4550
I believe that here everything you need for a utility that is used to control processes of any type can be connected to a USB high-speed port. You can download a .DOC with description and instructions and a .ZIP file with bootloader HEX, VC ++ executable and source files MPLab Firmware IDE and C18, the HEX files and source files, some utilities and drivers necessary.
Download Document                                                   Download ZIP file. Review 31 / Oct / 2009
7 - Record or Burn PIC 18F4550 or other use Vpp of 13 Volt
E s very easy to record PICs knowing the basics. Here is a circuit that gives me very good results and is easy to use, with the necessary explanations. Then there is the installer WinPic in Spanish, along with the necessary files (there are two) to record the 18F4550.
6 - Program to calculate a circuit with a transistor and then try it
It is a program that allows the necessary calculations in a circuit with a transistor and then test it on a plate to be built and it is only composed of terminal blocks where the resistance, the transistor and the power supply are placed. You can download the executable and the source program. The program is the help needed for the calculation, the typical curve of a transistor and the formulas used for different polarization configurations.
Download Executable                       Download ZIP file. Review 26 / Jul / 2009
5 - Programme for decoding resistor color
The resistor 1.0.0.exe program is made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0. You can download the executable and the source program.
Does not require help. Choosing the colors of the bands of the resistors, decodes the value.
4 - Program to convert decimal / hexadecimal / binary
The converter 1.0.0.exe program is made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0. You can download the executable and the source program.
Does not require help. The value to be converted and input and output units are selected is entered.
Download Executable                                   Download ZIP file. Review 12 / Jan / 2009
3 - Program to calculate voltage divider resistors 2 or 3
The voltage divider 1.0.0.exe program is made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0. You can download the executable and the source program.
Does not require help. Resistance values ​​of the voltage and load. Calculates voltage drops in resistance and current.   Download Executable           Download ZIP file. Review 12 / Jan / 2009
2 - Programme to calculate the frequency and period of a 555 in astable configuration (As constant pulse generator)
The program is 555 astable 1.0.0.exe, made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0. You can download the executable and the source program.
Does not require help. Choosing value resistor and capacitor calculated frequency, period and cycle times (positive and zero).   Download Executable            Download ZIP file. Review 19/03/2010
1 - Program to calculate voltage regulator zener
The zener 1.0.0.exe program is made ​​in Visual Basic 6.0. You can download the executable and the source program.
Does not require help. Values ​​are entered and displayed the results of this delivered voltage regulator. It is useful to understand the operation of a Zener diode.

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